Relocation Guide

Visa & Work Permit

To work in Amsterdam, you’ll need the appropriate visa and work permit. For detailed information, visit the Dutch government’s official website. We also recommend consulting one of the top-rated immigration lawyers in Amsterdam.

3 of the highest rated immigration lawyers in Amsterdam:

BSN (Citizen Service Number)

Getting you BSN should be one of the first things to do before arriving to the Netherlands. Make your appointment online as soon as possible because it can take up to 2 months to get an appointment in City Office. You need a BSN to work, open a bank account, take out healthcare insurance and in many other occasions.

Registration in Municipality

Step-by-step guide to navigating your way through the local formalities and administrative aspects of your relocation.

Bank Account

Having a bank account is one of the first steps in establishing yourself in the Netherlands. When paying for goods and services when living in Amsterdam, cash will only get you so far. You can open a Dutch bank account before travel, so it is ready for you once you arrive.

Personal Liability Insurance

In the Netherlands, having personal liability insurance is common, protecting you against damages caused to others or their property. Health insurance is mandatory for all employees, ensuring you have access to necessary medical care.

Health Insurance

Every person who works in the Netherlands is obliged to have a health insurance. There are a lot of insurance companies and types of health insurance covers, offering variety of packages. Choose the one that meets your needs the best.

Utilities set up

Once you’ve signed your rental contract, arranging your utility services is straightforward with Easy Nuts, simplifying your move-in process.

Drivers License

Step-by-step guide to navigating your way through the local formalities and administrative aspects of your relocation.

Parking Permit

Step-by-step guide to navigating your way through the local formalities and administrative aspects of your relocation.

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